How to get there

How to get from Verona Airport to the city center

The airport in Verona (Aeroporto Valerio Catullo) is located 10 km from the city center, and is named after one of the most famous poets of ancient Rome, Gaia Valeriu Catulla. The second name of the airport is Villafranca. Aeroflot and S7 airlines operate daily direct flights to Moscow from Verona.
Trip planning

Italy in May

Judging strictly by the calendar, then May in Italy would still have to relate to the off-season. Moreover, in most countries with a climate similar to Italian, it is. However, unfortunately, May in Italy in many places is already considered the beginning of the high season with all the ensuing consequences. Weather in Italy in May From the point of view of weather it is easy to trace why May in Italy begin to be attributed to the high season.
Cities of Italy

How to get from Verona to Venice: train, bus, car rental

Verona is an ideal starting point for traveling to numerous cities in the north of Italy, due to the fact that direct flights to Verona are carried out from many cities of Russia and neighboring countries. No wonder it is called "Rome in miniature." From Verona, you can easily and easily get to Milan, Florence, Venice and even Rome.

A bit about Cologne

Cologne (Köln), confidently occupying a leading position in the banking sector in Germany and throughout Europe, is the fourth largest city in the country. Cologne Cathedral is the most visited tourist attraction in Germany, but at the same time the main sec-ret of the city. Cologne - these are world-class art galleries, great shopping, romantic Christmas markets, cheerful and cheerful citizens, great beer and.

Mortadella - Italian Cooked Sausage

Today, boiled sausage will not surprise anyone. She has long moved from the category of delicacies to the orderly ranks of everyday products. But, if the domestic consumer industrial sausages are increasingly associated with toilet paper, the Italians talk about their Mortadella (Mortadella) with a proudly raised head.
Interesting about Italy

New Year traditions and customs in Italy

If you ask Italians what their favorite holiday is, you will notice that the vast majority of the inhabitants of this sunny country will call you Christmas (Natale) or New Year (Capodanno). And in fact: Italians always look forward to the December and January holidays, carefully preparing for them many weeks before their onset.

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Italian food

Italian Lasagna

Lasagne (Lasagne) - a typical dish of Italian cuisine from the series "at everyone's hearing." But not everyone realizes that this is not a layer of puffed meat pie or casserole, but one of the many varieties of pasta in the republic. It is believed to be the oldest type of pasta. Over the long period of life of baked pasta in the southern regions of Italy, several traditional versions of food have developed.
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Editor'S Choice

Berlin City Palace | 2019

Berlin City Palace

The Berlin City Palace was the main winter residence of the Electors and Margraves of Brandenburg, and then the kings of Prussia and the emperors of Germany. It is located on the Spreeinsel Island on the Spree River in the very center of Berlin. Berlin City Palace (Berliner Stadtschloß) The Berlin City Palace (Berliner Stadtschloß) was the main winter residence of the Electors and Margraves of Brandenburg, and then the kings of Prussia and the emperors of Germany.
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Lake Barrea - A Hidden Tale in the Abruzzo Region | 2019

Lake Barrea - A Hidden Tale in the Abruzzo Region

Lake Barrea (Lago di Barrea) is located in the National Park of Abruzzo (Parco nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise), in the valley between the mountains of the Genzana (2070 m) and Monti della Meta (2242 m). This is not the largest and perhaps not the most impressive Italian lake. Its purpose is different: it heals people from the bustle of the civilized world.
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Campari - a ruby-colored bitter aperitif | 2019
Italian drinks

Campari - a ruby-colored bitter aperitif

There is an opinion that beloved children are called the names of parents. We do not know how reliable this fact is for all families, but at Campari it is one hundred percent valid. The liquor of the same name is its most popular and sought after offspring. Campari, dressed in deep red and sealed with a gold label, is excellent both in cocktails and on its own.
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How to learn Italian from scratch on your own? | 2019
Italian language

How to learn Italian from scratch on your own?

Say what you like, and learning from scratch a foreign language - what a job! Especially mental and, most often, emotional. This is exactly what happened for me. In school years, I, like many, began to learn English. He was primitive, at the level of knowledge of the alphabet, personal pronouns, standard phrases such as “My name is Natasha” and “I live in Moscow” or scanty poems that I have eyes and I can see the book and the pen in front of me, I see ceiling and floor, I see a window and a door. You know, many years have passed, but I still remember the poem.
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The Appian Way Route in Rome | 2019

The Appian Way Route in Rome

A walk along the Appian Way is a journey into the past. Along the way, you will see many ancient attractions surrounded by magnificent views. Antique Appian Way, photo by Stijn Nieuwendijk About the Appian Way, from ancient times was called the “Queen of the Roads”. For our contemporaries, it causes genuine admiration.
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New palace | 2019

New palace

The beautiful halls of the New Palace are decorated with ancient statues, busts of emperors, poets, philosophers and orators of antiquity. In the courtyard is the Marforio fountain with a "talking statue." In the Hall of Gladiators, see the famous sculpture Dying Gall! I recommend not to miss this museum. Have fun!
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Ponte Vecchio Bridge in Florence | 2019

Ponte Vecchio Bridge in Florence

One of the main attractions of Florence can safely be called the Ponte Vecchio bridge (Ponte Vecchio), which is translated from Italian as "Old Bridge". This is not just a ferry from one bank of Arno to the other, but also a unique architectural monument that has not changed much since the 14th century. History The reason for the construction of the bridge in this place is the minimum width of the Arno River.
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In the Ringstrasse (ring road)

In the Ringstrasse (ring road)

Leaving Neumarkt Square and making your way along the busy shopping streets to the Cologne ring road, you will immediately feel that you have left the hiking trails and entered the real city where real people live and work. Leaving Neumarkt Square and making your way along the busy shopping streets to the Cologne ring road, you will immediately feel that you have left the hiking trails and entered the real city where real people live and work.
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Travel Guide to Rome Cheap

Travel Guide to Rome Cheap

Very soon, a new edition will arrive on the shelves of bookstalls - "Rome Low Cost" - the original anti-crisis guide to the Eternal City. Many people today are interested in the question: is there a way to enjoy the sights of Rome, without spending a lot of money? The solution to the problem is offered by three metropolitan journalists, "bloggers" of the new online portal about travel, art, culture and culinary Nuok.
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The best beaches of Sicily. Part I
Trip planning

The best beaches of Sicily. Part I

Sicily is famous for its beaches, many of which are among the best in Italy. In 2011, six Sicilian beaches were awarded the Blue Flag for the cleanliness of their waters. The rating was based on specific scientific standards, not subjective opinions. Here is this "magnificent six": Porto Paulo (Menfi), Pozzallo and Ispica (Ragusa), Fiumefreddo-Cottone (Catania), Spiaggia Bianca (Lipari) and Marina di Ragusa.
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The Italian made an agreement with her husband and lover

The Italian made an agreement with her husband and lover

A passionate Italian woman living in the south of the country in the city of Casoria, a province in the Napoli region, found a very original solution to all problems when she realized that she found it difficult to choose between her husband, with whom she had been married for more than 10 years, and lover 10 years younger than her. The woman took extreme measures, inviting the two applicants for her hand and heart to draw up a kind of agreement that would help her decide on the call of her heart.
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La Fenice Theater in Venice: history, tickets and how to get
Cities of Italy

La Fenice Theater in Venice: history, tickets and how to get

Whatever the reason for a trip to Venice - visiting the La Fenice opera house and then returning to the hotel along the night lights on San Marco - this is an impression for life. If you need someone to pleasantly surprise in Venice (especially with a romantic connotation), then it is impossible to come up with a better way than opera or ballet in La Fenice.
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Cesenatico in Italy: what to see and how to get
Regions of Italy

Cesenatico in Italy: what to see and how to get

Cesenatico in Italy is a small town on the Adriatic coast, located 23 km from Rimini in the Emilia-Romagna region. Cesenatico is famous for its ancient canal, designed by Leonardo da Vinci himself. Italians condescendingly call the town a fishing village, however, they try to taste the best fish in the whole region in Mediterranean restaurants here.
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Naples Metro: timetable, opening hours, prices and the most beautiful stations
Cities of Italy

Naples Metro: timetable, opening hours, prices and the most beautiful stations

The first metro stations in Naples appeared only at the very end of the 20th century. However, in such a short period they have become one of the main attractions of the city. Still, several of them are annually included in the TOP list of the most beautiful in the world. In this article we will not only talk about the most remarkable stations, but also give more practical information - about the opening hours and ticket prices for the Naples metro.
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